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Tummy Trimmer Benefits
- It flattens the tummy and trims the waist in a matter of days
- It is both an aerobic as well as a strength training equipment
- Firms arms, and chest
- Tones thighs and hips
- Helps tighten abs
- It strengthens back muscles
- Helps with weight management which and in turn reduces risks of health conditions such as that of heart.

Additional Features of the Khazinaa.com Tummy Trimmer:
- Compact and versatile exercise machine
- Flattens tummy in weeks
- Can tone the muscles of stomach, thighs, arms, hips and legs
- Contoured foot pedals
- Features two adjustable tubes
- Slim and portable design
- Heavy duty double spring
- Suitable for both men and women
- Handle Color: Green
- Footrest Color: Blue and White

- ✓ Do not use while standing.
- ✓ Use only with sneakers or bare feet
- ✓ Do not let the unit slip off the feet.
- ✓ Spring holds not be stretched beyond 3 feet and 6 inches.
- ✓ Be sure straps are pulled up and snug over feet. If unit loosens on feet, stop exercising and secure pedals and straps...
Package Includes:
1 x Tummy Trimmer
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